Wholesale Fraud

Detection of illegal voice traffic at the level of international wholesale operators.

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FRAUDCHASER detects and monitors incoming international voice traffic of the Customer’s wholesale partners for the following types of fraud:


1. False answer protection (FAS)



2. “Stretching” calls protection, when the transit operator plays a recording with a fragment of the conversation during a conversation.



3. Pumping voice traffic with a non-existent volume of calls, with the help of which some operators overestimate the volume of incoming calls to their networks in order to get additional profit.



4. SIP – bulk trunking, scalable fraud protection in which fraudsters make money selling wholesale trunking services or using stolen credentials to complete calls.



5. Monitoring the rate of completion of mobile communication (MTR). Mobile network operators may apply higher termination rates for incoming traffic outside certain countries. In such situations, the risk of being trombone is very high and in order to terminate calls at a lower cost, some operators recreate the traffic in order to pay a lower MTR. FraudChaser provides detailed reports on how traffic is coming from high-risk countries, suspicious number ranges and traffic volumes on your network.

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