Tools to reduce risks in the interaction of partners and operators in the telecommunications market.
11 July 2021

As we all know, mutually beneficial and long-term relations with dealers, local departments of each operator is one of the most important indicators of success in the market, but unfortunately, after some time since the beginning of cooperation with this or that partner, each major fixed and mobile operator faces with unfair partner behavior, in turn, reduces costs to increase its guaranteed profit.

Consider some of the partners’ gray moves:

  1. Routing of a certain% of traffic from the total volume in accordance with the Agreements with the operator-customer through illegal channels, which leads to problem No. 2;
  2. Deterioration of the quality of voice communication for the subscribers of the operator – the customer;
  3. Fraud using FAS on the subscriber’s line by playing a voice recording that emulates the real interlocutor;
  4. Late call rejection. When the called subscriber ends the call, and the calling subscriber is played further a recording of the current conversation to increase the number of minutes of conversation.

FRAUDCHASER helps detect and prevent these problems by:

  1. TCG module – monitoring the Customer’s network in order to detect offnet-onnet SIMBOX;
  2. OTT module – monitoring the Customer’s network in order to identify the volume of illegal traffic to OTT applications;
  3. SMS module – monitoring the Customer’s network in order to detect SMS fraud;
  4. VOICE module – monitoring of the Customer’s partner channels in order to control the quality of voice communication according to the specified parameters and determine the FAS;
  5. RESEARCH module – deep analytics of the Customer’s network to control contractual relations with partners and improve the efficiency of the Customer’s network.
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