Monitoring the flow of voice traffic from the GSM network to OTT services keep mobile operators profitable
11 July 2021

Every year, telecom operators suffer huge losses due to fraud that bypasses official interconnections using OTT services.

The operator needs to track the monthly churn of voice traffic to applications in order to timely adjust the business strategy to increase and maintain profitability.

FraudChaser service platform offers voice traffic monitoring tools with the following reporting:

  • Results of test calls
  • Distribution of calls by types of detection in the context of days
  • Distribution of calls by types of identification in the context of operators initiating calls
  • Distribution of detection by OTT services used for illegal termination
  • The ratio of unique detections to the total number of detections, the effectiveness of allocated “B” numbers, the distribution of detections by agents who receive calls and other combined reports.

Over-the-top (OTT) Bypass affects the volume of incoming voices traffic, the quality of the voice connection suffers. Such substitutions are difficult to prove from a legal point of view. The most common “proof” is the results of TCG test systems.

FraudChaser automatically generates detection calls from over 100 countries around the world. FraudChaser’s dedicated calling campaign maximizes the chances of detecting OTT bypass when minimizing the risk of counter detections. FraudChaser identifies outbound operators or operators using OTT bypass techniques to terminate traffic on your network provides an OTT crawl report so you can take corrective action.

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